Grumpy Cat Perks Up After Winning $710,000 in Court Case

Grumpy Cat is best known for her mean mugging, but if ever she’d smile, it’s because she just been awarded over $700,000 in a lawsuit claiming he…

The Benefits Of A Raw Food Diet For Cats

Are you thinking of going raw? Here are a few things you need to know before making the switch. When it comes to feline nutrition, there are a lot of debates…

Cat Settles in For a Silent Night in NY Nativity Scene Manger

During the holiday season, it's not unusual to see Nativity scenes. But in one New York neighborhood, passers-by came across a most unique Cativity setup!

Video of Blind Cat Hugging Phone While Music Plays Hits All the Right

A blind cat appreciating beautiful music in a way that most humans do not is about the sweetest thing you'll see and hear today, we guarantee.

Experts Recommend Swiss Fat Cats Hunt For Their Food

Vets in Switzerland are concerned with the growing problem of 'fat cats.' According to new research, 20-40% of pets, cats in particular, are overweight.

Low-Budget Cat Shelter Ad The Best Thing You’ve Seen Today [Video]

Animal shelters across the country are overrun with animals.That's why these shelter volunteers channeled their inner cheesy car salesperson cat commercial!

9 Signs You’re A Crazy Cat Lady

Hey, we've all heard the joke, and yes, it's kinda funny. That's why we're proudly embracing our Crazy Cat Lady title and inviting everyone to the club!

Best Cat Tunnels

If you haven’t thought about giving your cat a tunnel to play in, or if you don’t think your kitty would benefit from one, it’s worth reconsidering. In fact, many experts recommend getting your feline friend at least one tunnel that she can use to hide, play, or relax and nap whenever she wants.

US Couple Shells Out $25,000 to Clone Their Beloved Cat

After spending 19 years with their precious pet, a North American couple decide to clone her- Cinnabun now lives on through her kitten replica.

Can Your Cat Be A Vegetarian?

Is taking meat out of your cat’s diet healthy or will vegetable-based food do more harm than good? Most vegetarians and vegans hold to their ethics str…

Best Flea Treatment for Cats

Flea treatment for cats doesn't just help your pet get rid of an irritating, nasty parasite but it also helps prevent a myriad of issues fleas can cause.

What Is Flea Allergy Dermatitis in Cats?

Whether your cat is indoors or outdoors, fleas can become a huge problem. And Flea Allergy Dermatitis is just one of the issues that you'll need to watch for.

Cool Kickstarter Makes Humans Useless To Cats

When you're away from home, are you worried that your cat is okay? A cool Kitty Kickstarter will give you some peace of mind when you can't be together!

The Dangers of Secondhand Smoke and Your Cat

It's a bad habit that's hard to break. But we think you'd find it easier to quit if you knew what secondhand smoke was doing to your cat.

Why Do Cats Meow at Night?

Let me sing you the song of my people... as soon as you tuck in for the night! Let's get to the bottom of why cats meow at night.

5 Cool Cat Facts You Didn’t Know

Amaze and stump your friends with strange cat-nerd trivia facts.Felines are definitely interesting creatures who always keep us guessing. And each cat has hi…

Cat Vomiting Bile: A Cause for Concern?

It's gross, but is it a cause for concern? When your cat vomits bile, you need to know what it means and what you should do.

Couple Says I Do to 1,000 Feline Wedding Guests

A Montreal couple foregoes the traditional big wedding and instead, decides to have a ceremony surrounded by residents of The Cat House.

Best Hairball Remedies

Hairball remedies help your cat pass hairballs without the discomfort of coughing and vomiting or danger of intestinal blockage.

Samsung’s New TV Boxes Turn Into Cat Houses

Talk about resourceful packaging! Samsung Electronics’s award-winning efforts to move toward sustainable and reusable packing have delighted millions o…

Our First Cat-Only Contest – The SmartyKat® Feather Whirl

To prove that we love cats just as much as dogs, we’re giving felines their own contest. From now until December 9, your kitty can win a SmartyKat®…

Best Flea Powders for Cats

No one wants to have fleas in their home or on their pets, so there are various products on the market designed to repel and kill these pests. One option is flea powder. What are the benefits of using this type of flea control product, and what are some things to think about before buying it to give it a try? We’ve got you covered with some helpful information and tips below.

Survey Says Pet Parents Celebrate Their Pets More Than Ever

According to the results of a new study from Mars Petcare US, pet parents celebrate their furbabies with paw-tastic parties.

Politikats’ Kickstarter Puts Heads of State on Cat Scratchers

When it comes to politics, the claws always come out! Put them to good use with the hilarious Politikats' Politically Inclined Cat Scratching Posts.

10 Cats Who Immediately Regretted Their Decisions

There are two types of cats: the couldn't-care-less kind and the adventurous goofball. For your entertainment, here are some belonging to the latter.

Product Review: Hagen Vesper V-Tower Cat Furniture

It's our first cat-related product review! Tester cat Boris (along with human slave Stephen Elmer) climbs his way to the top of Hagen's new Vesper V-Tower.

Crazy Cat Maze Proves Cats Can Make Humans Do ANYthing [Video]

When you want to celebrate International Cat Day in the most hella way possible, whaddya do? Well, build a crazy cardboard cat maze, of course!

Hypoallergenic Cats – Do They Really Exist?

Tired of sniffling and sneezing, but love cats? You've heard rumors about hypoallergenic cats... but are these types of kitties fact or fiction?

Best Cat Products That’ll Keep Your Kitty Occupied For Hours

With so many products on the market designed to keep your cat happy, you can rest assured that your friend will never get bored, even when you aren't home.

Best Cat Pheromone Sprays

If your cat suffers from stress or anxiety, it can result in unwanted behavior. Cat pheromone sprays could be the answer you've been looking for.�

Tailio Gives You The (Poop) Scoop On Your Cat’s Health

A high-tech, WiFi-enabled kitty litter box? Seriously – we’re not full of crap! This may just be the coolest and most unexpected tech product for…

Products That Help Keep Your Senior Cat Happy

Senior cats really don’t ask for much. You can keep them happy with the same essentials that kitties of all ages want and need: good food, fresh water, a clean litter box, beds, scratchers, and toys.

Famous Fat Cat Who Inspired Meme Honored With Statue

Made famous by a meme, Istanbul's iconic fat cat, Tombili, was forever memorialized in a statue, on the very sidewalk where she liked to chill out.

Top 10 Largest Domestic Cat Breeds

Bigger is better... when it comes to cats, that is. If you want a big kitty, check out our list of top 10 largest domestic cat breeds.

How To Hire The Right Cat Sitter For Your Frisky Feline

Hiring a cat sitter can be a daunting process because there are a lot of people out there who are willing to pet sit but not all of them are qualified.

Should You Get a Kitten for Your Senior Cat?

If you have a senior cat who seems bored or lonely, you might be thinking about adopting a kitten to give them a feline companion. But is this a good idea?

Feline-Inspired Interactive Gallery Is Popping Up In NYC

The Cats on Glass Gallery, presented by Fresh Step Clean Paws, is an interactive pop-up exhibition that will wow all cat enthusiasts.

How to Bond With Your New Kitten

It's more than love at first sight. Start off your relationship purr-fectly by doing all the right things to bond with your kitten.

5 Big Differences Between Cats and Dogs

Although cats and dogs are the most popular pets, there are some major differences between the two species, and understanding them will prepare you to be a great guardian to your canine or feline companion.

5 Things Being a Cat Person Reveals About You

Do you identify as a cat person? Well, you aren’t alone!

Our Picks for the Best Organic Cat Foods

Your kitty sticks her nose up at her bowl - what's a pet parent to do? If you're looking for quality, we've picked the best organic cat foods.�

Portland’s Parking Kitty App Brings All the Coolest Cats to the Lot

Drivers in Portland, Oregon have the help of a new app, Parking Kitty, and Moshow the Cat Rapper has given his Meow of Approval, yo.

FDA Approves Mirataz, A New Weight Loss Control Medicine For Cats

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved Mirataz, a new drug for managing unintentional weight loss in cats.

Why Does Your Cat Like Sleeping on Your Head?

Now this is the best "night cap" there is! Have you ever wondered why your cat chooses to sleep on top of your head at night?

PyroPet Candles Burn Down Reveal A Cat’s Split Personality

A unique candle from PyroPet Candles showcases the duality of our feline friends with a surprise skeleton that literally comes out of the burning candle!

Our Guide to the Best Cat Harnesses

Do you want to take your feline on some outdoor adventures? Then you’ll need a leash and harness designed for cats.

DIY Gingerbread House for Cats is Too Tempting to Resist [Video]

Cats aren't known for being gentle with Christmas trees. Perhaps you can build your kitties a paw-some DIY gingerbread house like this one!

Best Cat Window Perches

Your cat wants to know what's going on outside. Give her the perfect place to window watch. Check out our list of the best cat window perches.

Kitten Album Covers Proves That Cats Rock!

Cats want to rock all night, and meow the rest of the day! We are raising our paws in the air like we just don't care for this kitten album cover art.

How To Train A Cat To Walk On A Leash

Did you know that dogs aren't the only pets that like to take a stroll with their humans? We're going to teach you how to train a cat to walk on a leash!

5 Cat Hacks to Understand and Treat Cat Hairballs

The sound, the aftermath, the cleanup - cat hairballs are not fun. To minimize the mess, we've put together a few cat hacks that'll help.

Ear Mites In Cats Lead To Serious Scratching

A common problem, ear mites in cats are an annoying and painful problem. These mites are tiny insects that live in the ear canal and pierce the cat's skin.

5 Cool Beds Your Cat Would Love to Nap In

They don't call it a cat nap for nothing! When it's time for your kitty to curl up, she'll catch plenty of sweet dreams in these types of cat beds.

Study Says Watching Cat Videos Boosts Energy, Positive Emotions [Video

I wish I worked at the Indiana University Study, so I could get paid to watch awesome cat videos and be happy all day. Science is pretty cool!

How to Clicker Train Your Cat

You've heard about clicker training for dogs, but did you know that it's used to train cats? Here are some tips if you're going to clicker train your cat.

The Claws Are Out as England Battles Russia for "World's Best Cat"

Not since the days of Vader and Luke has such rivalry been seen! At the LondonCats show, two top national kitty contenders battled for the title of “World’s…

What Is an Umbilical Hernia in Kittens?

A rare condition, kittens can suffer from umbilical hernias. Here's how to recognize one in your kitty, and what you should do if it happens.

Can Cats Eat Strawberries?

Who doesn't love strawberries? How about your kitty - can cats eat strawberries? Read on to find out.

How Do You Give an Uncooperative Cat a Pill?

How exactly do you go about giving an uncooperative cat a pill? You can’t just avoid it altogether – it has to be done one way or the other. Read on to find out how to do it without ending up covered in scratches!

Look What The Curious Cat Dragged In – a Bag Full Of Drugs!

They say a dog’s nose knows, but one curious kitty in England helped the local police with a major suspected cocaine drug bust. Forensic experts in Avo…