Top 5 Fast-Growing Aquarium Plants for Planted Tanks

If you're impatient for growth, you'll want aquarium plants that shoot up quickly. Take a look at these fast-growing aquarium plants for your planted tank.

Feeding Techniques for Your Coral Reef Tank

With a coral reef tank, you need to think about the eating habits of all the inhabitants. Here are some tips to ensure they all get their fair share.

4 Best Types of Lighting Systems for Planted Aquariums

Got light? The right lights on your aquarium can not only make your tank shine, but it's also necessary component for plants to thrive.

Top 8 Best Aquarium Plants for Beginners

Welcome to the wonderful world of planted tanks! If you're just getting started, we've made a list of eight aquarium plants that are great for beginners.

Fish Flushing: Why Toilet Funerals Need To Go

We have all gathered around the toilet to say our farewells to fish that have gone belly up. But this practice needs to stop for a variety of reasons.

Top 8 All-In-One Aquariums

You want a fish tank, but you want everything you need in one package so you've got the essentials. Here's our list of top 5 all-in-one aquariums.

Keeping Carnivorous Plants in Your Home Aquarium

Don’t let the name scare you off. Adding carnivorous plants to your tank can take your aquarium to a new level of uniqueness. When you are ready to s…

Top 3 Substrates to Use in Planted Aquariums

The key to the perfect planted tank is to get the balance between fish and plant needs just right. The solution is finding the ideal type of substrate.

Fishy Secrets Revealed: The Pros’ Most Embarrassing Stories

We all have those forehead-slapping moments when we make a stupid mistake. Hey, not to worry - even the most seasoned of fish pros have made a few missteps.

How to Safely Clean Your Tank and Aquarium Decorations

If you're sprucing up your tank with aquarium d�cor, it's going to need to be cleaned. Here's how to do it without endangering your fishes' environment.

Mail Call: The Ins and Outs of Shipping and Receiving Fish

If you can't go to the fish, perhaps the fish can come to you. Here are the essentials of shipping and receiving fish through the mail.

Best Fish Food for Aquarium Fish

What do you plan to feed your fish? If you're just starting out with a tank, you'll want to choose the best fish food for aquarium fish.

5 Plants Picks for Your Brackish Aquarium

It's not saltwater, it's not freshwater - brackish aquariums offer a bit of both! But finding the right plants for this type of tank can prove to be tricky.

Best Cannister Filters for Large Aquariums

To ensure your fish are happy and healthy, water quality needs to be optimal. The best way to do that is with a high-quality canister filter.

Fish RX: Hikari PraziPro Fights Parasite Infestations

What do you do when your fish get sick? Before or after parasites invade your aquarium, medicate your fish with Hikari PraziPro.

What You Need to Know About C02 for Planted Tanks

Carbon Dioxide is an important element in your planted tank, and your plants need more than you think. Add extra C02 for a thriving aquarium.

Meet the Snail Assassin: Your Solution to Pest Snails

Got a snail problem you need taken care of? To take care of a snail problem, you need to send in an Assassin Snail, better known as Clea Helena!

Choosing the Right Substrate for Your Aquarium

Let's get to the bottom of aquarium substrate! Depending on what kind of tank you set up, you need to choose the right substrate for it.

Best Aquarium Supplies for Biological Filtration

Balance is the key to a healthy aquarium and filtration plays a major role. That's why you need know about the best aquarium supplies for biological filtration.

Best Artificial Aquarium Plants

Keeping a tank with live plants can be quite a challenge. If you want the look of a planted tank without the hassle, think about adding artificial aquarium plants.

Above the Water’s Surface: A Guide to Emersed Plant Growth

A different take on planted tanks, emersed plant life gives your aquarium dimension. Let's talk about the ins and outs of emersed aquarium plants.

Best Aquarium Hoods

Don't just think about the design of your tank - you also have to remember the practical elements. With that in mind, here are our picks for the best aquarium hoods.

5 Common Mistakes Made by Reef Keepers

When you're starting out, the smartest thing to do is learn from others' mistakes. Minimize your reef keeping boo-boos and take some advice from the pros.

Get to Work on an Office Aquarium

Bring life into your office with a fish tank. A growing trend in the workplace, aquariums add color, energy, and stress release to a busy day.

Tank Stocking: The Truth About The 1 Inch Per Gallon Rule

You've heard about the "one inch of fish per gallon" rule, but there are other factors to keep in mind when you're first stocking your aquarium.

Unpopular Opinion: Goldfish Belong Outside

Some fish belong in tanks, others need to be outside. And even though you may not like it, the goldfish's place is in a pond.

Top 3 Most Popular Types of Aquarium Filters

You know that you need a filter to keep your aquarium clean. Did you know that certain types of tanks need a filter that'll get the job done right?

Daddy Dearest: A Look at Fish Fathers

Being a dad isn't easy - even when you're a fish! Fish fathers have an important role to fill when it comes to reproduction and caring for their offspring.

How to Properly Acclimate New Fish in the Aquarium

When it comes to aquariums, how you add new fish to your tank is important to their safety and well being. Tips for acclimatizing fish to your aquarium.

Aquarium Heating: Submersible Vs. Hang-on Heaters

Unless your aquarium only houses goldfish, you're going to need a tank heater. But should you go with a submersible or a hang-on heater?

Best Aquarium Lights

Lights� cameras� action! Put a spotlight on your tank with the right lighting. Here are our picks for the best aquarium lights.

How to Use Floating Plants in Your Planted Tank

Floating plants help to create a tranquil vibe in your aquarium. If you're new to this kind of plant, here are a few pointers to keep in mind.

The Dish on Discus

Aquariums with discus are visually stunning, but many have stayed away from this fish because of its complicated care. But it's easier than you think!

The Lowdown on Fish Laws

Are you guilty of breaking a fish law? Perhaps you don't even realize that what you've done is illegal. What you don't know may land you in hot water.

The Bobbit Worm: Your Saltwater Tank’s Loch Ness Monster

Just when you thought it was safe to go back into your tank, your saltwater fish start disappearing! A devious worm may be at the center of this mystery.

Top 5 Live Plants to Use in Brackish Aquariums

A mix of salt and freshwater, brackish aquariums present its own set of challenges. Here are a few plants that hold up in this type of tank.

Stay Tuned For Aquarium’s Got Talent

What amazing talent lurks in your tank? Take a front row seat - you won't believe the specular show that's going on in your aquarium!

Best 10 Gallon Fish Tanks

Getting a 10 gallon fish tank is an excellent starting point as it is not overwhelmingly big or too challenging. Take a look at he best 10 gallon aquariums!

Watts Going On With Your Aquarium Lighting?

Aquarium lighting is more than just watts per gallon. When you're setting up lighting for your tank, be sure to keep these important factors in mind.

7 Common Types of Algae Found in Freshwater Aquariums

It's not easy being green... or brown... or red. How many different types of freshwater algae are you familiar with and how to you control it?

Best Products to Remove Aquarium Algae

It's completely natural, but it sure does make your tank look gross! Here are the best products to remove aquarium algae.

Can You Sustain a Planted Tank Without a Filter?

You don't have fish in your aquarium, just plants. That means you don't need a filter, right? Here's why you may want to add a filter to your planted tank.

Heating Things Up With Eheim Jager Heaters

Not too cold, not too hot... you want to keep the temperature just right. Buying the right heater sets the right climate for the health of your fish.

Tips for Converting From a Fish-Only to a Planted Tank

You've decided to make a change from a fish-only to a planted tank. When you're ready to add live plants to the mix, here are some tips you should follow.

4 Annoying Pests Found in Your Freshwater Aquarium

Even the smallest pests can mess up the most pristine aquarium. Here are four common (and annoying) pests that could cause problems in your freshwater tank.

Best Aquarium Stands and Cabinets

You can't just put a full aquarium on any piece of furniture - it has to be made to take the weight of your tank. Here are our picks for awesome aquarium stands and cabinets.�

Risky Business: Four Types of Dangerous Aquarium Fish

Swimming in the shallow end isn't for everyone. Some people like their fish to have a bit of bite! Check out these four types of dangerous aquarium fish.

Take a Walk On the Wild Side of Bettas

Take a walk on the wild side! You know about bettas, but do you know about wild betta fish? Let's look at wild bettas that can be kept in an aquarium.

Best Aquarium Filters

Go with the flow and keep your tank sparkling clean. Choose from our list of the best aquarium filters to ensure your tank is properly maintained.

Saltwater Shopping List For Beginners

Starting up a saltwater tank is a lot simpler when you have a must-have list of items. Use this list as a start point for your new saltwater aquarium.

How to Handle Stress in Aquarium Fish

It may seem like they're care-free, but aquarium fish can suffer from stress. Here's what you need to look for and what to do if it happens to your fish.

Why You’ll Want to Add Mystery Snails to Your Aquarium

Mystery snails are a welcome addition to an aquarium. Colorful and community oriented, these crustaceans will clean up after themselves and tank mates.

Best Light Fixtures for a Planted Tank

Bring out the best in your vibrant aquarium with the right lights. Here's our guide to the best light fixtures for a planted tank.

Best Medications for Treating Aquarium Fish Diseases

Just like any pet, fish can get sick too. But how can you fight illness in your tank? Here's our list of the best medications for treating aquarium fish diseases.