Dog Treatments

What should you do if your dog gets sick or injured? has all the info on Dog Treatments that can help your pooch through illness and keep them healthy. From remedies you can make at home, to over-the-counter advice, to natural and organic solutions, we research what you need to know about Dog Treatments.

Keeping their four-legged best friends happy and healthy is what’s matters most to every dog owner out there. As fellow pet parents, we at feel that being informed on latest studies and expert opinions can help you improve your dog’s health. That is why we wanted to create a go-to resource on all Dog Treatments that can benefit your pooch and ensure their wellbeing.

Take a look at our articles on treating common dog injuries at home and lifesaving first aid techniques to help you be prepared for any situation. We’ll help you learn everything from doggy CPR and Heimlich maneuver to helping your dog survive poisoning! If your pooch is suffering from a specific illness, use our comprehensive guides to explore treatments that might alleviate their pain or even improve their condition.

Considering that prevention is often better than a cure,’s articles also cover all the important steps that can help you avoid dog diseases and injuries. Learn more about proper oral hygiene, preventing snake bites and benefits of including natural supplements and remedies into your pooch’s diet. Wondering if a particular product or their natural alternative are the right choice for your dog? Check out our expert reviews for the scoop.

Provide the best possible care for your hurt or ailing pooch.’s guides and articles investigate natural and holistic remedies as well as their commercial alternatives and help you make an informed decision about the best course of treatment for your beloved pet.

Naturally Safe Mosquito Repellent For Dogs

Scratch-free tips on keeps those pesky mosquitoes away from your dog.

Tick Talk: Do All-Natural DIY Tick Repellents Really Work?

We’ve all heard the claims – there are all-natural essential oils that keep ticks off of dogs. But have you ever seen them work? Kevin Roberts takes it upon…

What to Know About Chemotherapy for Dogs

A common treatment for humans, chemotherapy is also used for dogs. If your dog has cancer, chemotherapy may be a treatment option that could save his life.

What is a Holistic Veterinarian?

Illness in pets can sometimes be linked to both physical and mental causes - a holistic veterinarian looks at both in order to determine treatment.

Pets & Mental Health: Are Psychiatric Drugs The Answer?

With the right dosage and a course of treatment, cats and dogs can go from aggressive and anxious to happy and content in a matter of months.

Meloxicam for Dogs: Is It Safe?

As your dog ages, what can you do about joint problems? What about Meloxicam for dogs - can you give it to your arthritic canine?

Canine Cannabis: Medical Marijuana for Dogs

The popularity of medical marijuana is crossing over into the world of pets. Supplements have been a life saver for many dogs - here's how it works.

How to Relieve Your Dog’s Arthritis Pain

Arthritis is a common ailment in older dogs, especially in larger breeds. Although you can't cure it, there are ways to relieve your dog's arthritis pain.

Heartworm Treatment: What Are Your Options?

By the time you see symptoms of this dangerous disease, it's may be too late. Don't procrastinate - get the 411 on heartworm treatment for your dog.

Best Music for Anxious Dogs

Music soothes the savage beast... and also the anxious one. If your dog is anxious, playing music may help calm him down.

The Best-Rated Flea Treatments and Preventions on Amazon

For tick and flea awareness month, has a list of the best-rated flea preventions and remedies on Amazon � based on customer reviews.

What Are the Downsides of Antibiotics for Pets?

Are you worried about giving your pet too many antibiotics? To avoid resistance, there are alternative products to help treat common health issues.

Aspirin For Dogs: Is It Safe Or A Headache?

A common over-the-counter pain medication, is Aspirin for dogs safe, or will it leave you and your dog with a headache that requires emergency treatment?

Best Dog Sunscreen

Dog sunscreen protects your pooch from harmful UV rays and it's a must for most dogs. Here's which pooches need it and how to chose the right one!

Best Dog Ear Cleaners

Dog ear cleaners make it easy to keep your pooch tidy and healthy, and prevent painful ear infections. Read on to learn which of them work best!

What You Should Know About Dog Dental Cleaning Costs

One of the most painful things about canine teeth exams has to be dog dental cleaning costs. Why are the prices so high and what goes into a teeth cleaning?

Is Neosporin Safe for Dogs?

For minor cuts and scrapes, we turn to Neosporin to help us heal and stop infections. But is this topical antibiotic safe for dogs?

Docusate Sodium for Dogs: Uses, Dosage, and Side Effects

Is your dog all bunged up? He may need a little help in the poop department. Let's talk about Docusate Sodium for dogs.

Best Mosquito Repellents for Dogs

Mosquitos are not just pesky- they transmit heartworm disease. Make sure to protect your pooch on time with mosquito repellents for dogs.

Effective Alternative Treatments For Dog Arthritis

Arthritis affects many adult dogs, as many as 1 in 5. For those looking for a non-traditional route, here are a few alternatives for treating dog arthritis.

Best Flea Shampoo for Dogs

Flea shampoo for dogs is one of the most efficient pet products for eliminating blood-sucking parasites from your pet's fur.

What is the Proper Aspirin Dosage for Dogs?

You probably have this popular headache medication in your medicine cabinet. But is it safe to give your dog, and if it is, how much can you give him?

Top 10 Best Virtual Vets: Veterinary Telemedicine For Your Pets

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A Pet Parent’s Guide To Heartworm Treatments

Is your dog safe? Let's go over the basics about what heartworm is, how and why you should protect your dog, and the heartworm treatments available to you.

Dog Music: Music to Soothe Your Pooch

What's the soundtrack to your dog's life? If your dog is anxious, there's benefits to playing music. Turn on the dog music and let your pooch chill out.

What You Need to Know About Sensitivity to Anesthesia in Dogs

When dogs go in for surgery, many will have to be put under using anesthesia. But not all dogs handle anesthesia the same - here's what you need to know.

Morris Animal Foundation Awards $775,000 to Test Vaccine for Bone Tumo

Researchers believe that this vaccine that could improve longevity and quality of life for dogs suffering from osteosarcoma.

Best Dog Anxiety Vests

Dog anxiety vests can relax your pet in triggering situations by relying on the soothing power of applied pressure. Read on to learn more!

How To Make A Dog Throw Up

If your dog ingests something dangerous, you may need to induce vomiting to get the poison or toxin out of his system. Here's how to make a dog throw up.

Probiotics Make This Dog Ear Infection Cure All Natural

If your dog is prone to ear infections, you'll be excited to hear about Apple Blossom Naturals Ear Cure, a 100 percent natural dog ear infection cure.

Futuristic Pet Tech Helps Ease Inflammation and Pain in Small Animals

This innovative product is a collaboration between Sleepypod and Assisi Animal Health and it promises to make life better for pets in pain.

Snake Bites in Dogs: What Every Dog Owner Should Know

When dogs get nosy, it can lead to trouble - especially with snakes! Here's what you need to know about how to treat snake bites in dogs.

What to Do If Your Dog is Poisoned

Dog can get into trouble at any age - and that includes eating something they shouldn't. Here's what to do if your pet is poisoned.

What is Light Therapy for Dogs?

Does your dog suffer from joint pain or arthritis? If you're looking for alternative treatments, check out light therapy for dogs and the benefits it can offer.

New Findings Reveal CBD Oil Could Help Epileptic Dogs

The results are impressive: about 90 percent of the epileptic dogs that were given the CBD oil as part of the study had fewer seizures as a result.

The Art Of Animal Reiki And Dog Energy Healing

What is Animal Reiki? In this article you will learn the basics about animal reiki including how to administer the practice and how it may help your pet.

Best Dog Dewormers

Dog dewormers keep your pet free of dangerous internal parasites- and make sure they are not at risk for serious health issues.

Benefits of Using Coconut Oil To Brush Your Dog’s Teeth

Coconut oil has a multitude of great uses when it comes to our dogs. Did you know that coconut oil can be used to brush your dog's teeth?

SuperZoo 2018: Mary’s Whole Pet Launches Farm-To-Table CBD Product L

SuperZoo is full of products that'll make natural-minded pet parents go gaga - like the new line from Mary's Nutritionals & Elite Botanicals.

Pet Owners Turn To Medical Marijuana To Treat Their Pets

More American states are legalizing medicinal marijuana, and more pet owners are now treating their pets with cannabis-based medicines to relieve symptoms.

5 Zen Ways To Manage Dog Stress

It may not seem like it, but a dog's life can be stressful. Your dog may not be able to take a "Mental Health Day," but there are ways to manage dog stress.

7 Natural Essential Oils For Dogs

Looking for natural treatments? ! It's not new-age nonsense or aromatherapy - essential oils for dogs offer a variety of health benefits when used properly.

5 Fragrant Treatments For Dog Flatulence

Everyone blames toots on the dog, but sometimes you do come across an exceptionally windy pooch. Here's how to treat stinky dog flatulence problems.

What You Should Know About Canine Hydrotherapy

Did you know that a dip in the pool can be used to rehabilitate your injured dog? Find out if canine hydrotherapy is right for your dog.

What is Red Light Therapy for Dogs?

Innovative red light therapy for dogs proved to be a safe and efficient treatment for a variety of ailments, from skin inflammation to wound healing, and much, much more.

How to Treat Your Dog’s Wounds at Any Stage

To ensure your dog's injury heals properly, there are steps to follow. Know from the get-go how to take care of your dog's wound at every stage.

How To Treat Common Eye Injuries in Dogs

It's important to keep an eye on your dog's vision. Not only should you be on the lookout for eye injuries, but you need to know how to treat them.

Basic First Aid Tips for Dogs

Accidents happen... do you know how to handle first aid basics if your dog is hurt? Don't get caught unprepared when your pooch has a minor medical mishap.

What To Do During Flea and Tick Season to Keep Pets Protected and Toxi

It’s that time of year again—the weather is perfect for outdoor activities. It’s also time for nasty fleas and ticks to rear their heads an…

Obesity Treatments: Tipping The Scale For Fat Dogs

Obesity is a growing problem with pooches and even a few extra pounds make a difference. Here are some ways you can treat this weighty issue for fat dogs

5 Alternatives to the Dreaded Cone of Shame

The cone of shame has been a burden hanging around the necks of pets for years. If you want to ditch the lamp shade, try one of these safe alternatives.

Simethicone For Dogs: Uses, Dosage, & Side Effects

Does your dog have a lot of gas? If you can't stand the smell anymore, then maybe you should check of simethicone for dogs.

Could a Nip-Tuck Improve Your Pet’s Quality of Life?

The thought of " pet plastic surgery" would turn most animal lovers' stomachs. But are there times when it's needed to make life liveable for dogs and cats?

Prosthetics Have Gone To The Dogs!

Animal rehabilitation specialists are turning to prosthetics for dogs with injuries and/or amputations, enriching the quality of these pets' lives.

BounceBack Botanicals: Our “Best In Show” From Global Pet Expo 201

Global Pet Expo 2017 was full of amazing natural products. It was hard to choose just one, but BounceBack Botanicals from Pawflex was a standout.

What Should You Do If Your Dog Gets A Sunburn

What happens when Fido gets too much sun? The same thing that happens to his humans. It hurts! So, it’s important to know what to do if your dog gets t…

My Dog Has Diarrhea – How Do I Treat It?

The Poop On What I Do When My Dog Has Diarrhea. Because of Oscar's sensitive tummy, I've picked up a few tips that have helped when he gets the runs.

Treating Horse Fly Bites on Dogs

Shoo, horse fly - don't bother my dog! Horse fly bites can turn from a minor irritation to a pull-blown problem, so know how to treat them.

The Benefits of Dog Meditation

We're not talking about the "Downward Dog" position. Have you tried dog meditation - it not only relaxes you, but helps your dog focus and keep calm.

How to Treat 4 Common Canine Skin Injuries and Irritations

Scrapes, scratches, and skin irritations are part and parcel with dog ownership. Here's how to be prepared when little accidents happen.