5 Apartment Hunting Tips for Pet Parents

Looking for a place to live with that allows pets can be tough. For better luck landing an apartment for you and your pet, follow these five tips.

Ask the Hairy Dogfathers: Poetic Poop

What's a bard to do when her kids won't pick up the dog's poo? The Hairy Dogfathers put feather-quilled pen to paper in order to offer some refined advice.

Proper Canine Camping Etiquette For Well-Mannered Mutts

Pitching a pup tent with your pooch this summer? Here are some tips on how to ensure you and your pet will be welcomed back to your favorite campground.

The Quest For Dog: Learning From Experience

In the second article of Amanda Schlee’s quest for the perfect dog, she takes a look back at a breed she has already owned growing up – but is it…